Friday, January 27, 2012

Valentine's Day Wreath for

I was so honored to be asked by Caroline and Allison to create a project for their weekly blog.  This is what I came up with.  

I love to make home decor items with paper.  You have such a diverse selection of colors and just makes me happy!
This wreath is similar to my Halloween wreath.  I found the My Mind's Eye Lovenest paper at AC Moore (used my gift card from Mom!) and knew this would make a gorgeous wreath.  I found some pink with brown polka dot ribbon that I thought would be so pretty with the paper.  I also found the Epiphany badge maker thingy which I thought would make pretty centers for the rosettes.
Well, once I started working on the wreath, I realized that that ribbon just wasn't going to was not bold enough to stand up to the muted colors of the paper.  I mosied my way to Michaels where they had their Christmas ribbons on sale and found Gorgeous brown sparkle ribbon (gotta have that sparkle!) - that did the trick.  I cut my rosettes from Cricut Ribbons and Rosettes cart. "Celebrate Love" is cut from Lyrical Letters and I really can't remember where the hearts came from, but you can use any heart.

Once you have everything cut, now you get to assemble the wreath!  I kept moving things around and moving things around until I found the configuration I liked... I tied a sheer ribbon on the top to hang the wreath.  Here is the final product!
So Pretty!


  1. Love how the wreath turned out. Beautiful. TFS

  2. This is just stunning Elise, I love the way you put all the elements together.

  3. So pretty! And the brown ribbon is perfect!
